Transportation Forms

Please refer to this document for all other updates regarding transportation:

2022-2023 Key Transportation Dates.pdf

The Ridership, Alternate, and Unsafe links are currently down for maintenance and will be available again Tuesday morning at 10:00AM.  

2022- 2023 Transportation Forms -

2022-23 Student Ridership Form

Please use a desktop or laptop to complete the form as the form is not mobile friendly. When typing in your last name the form only allows 14 characters.  For example if your child's name is Michael Hernandez Jordan; please stop at Hernandez Jord.   The last name comes over to transportation however it is entered in PowerSchool.  If you are having trouble with the form, please call 980-343-6715 and we can assist with any last name issues.  

2022-23 Alternate Stop Form

Please note that transportation to alternate stops (e.g. daycare centers, etc.) does not carry over from one year to the next. These stops must be requested each year and the alternate stop location needs to be within the attendance boundary. When filling out the form you will need to use a laptop or desktop as the form isn't compatible with smartphones.  When typing in your last name the form only allows 14 characters.  For example, if your child's name is Michael Hernandez Jordan; please stop at Hernandez Jord. The last name comes over to transportation however it is entered in PowerSchool.  If you are having trouble with the form, please call 980-343-6715 and we can assist with any last name issues.

2022-23 Unsafe Stop Form

Please complete this form to notify the Transportation Department if you believe your child's stop is unsafe.

P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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