CMS will provide transportation services for eligible students who request transportation to and from their residence address. It is important that you maintain an accurate residence address for every student with the attending school. Address changes are only processed at your assigned school.
If you choose to attend your original lottery assigned school and it is not in your zone, you will not receive transportation. If you change your address after your assignment, you have the option of attending your new home school or your original lottery assigned school. However, if you choose to attend your lottery assigned school and it is not the home school for your new address, you will not receive transportation.
Please note: Conditions such as grandfathered students and/or students who may have relocated from one address to another may establish different transportation eligibility criteria. Individual student situations may vary and not all conditions may apply to the above general statement. If you have specific questions, please contact your school administrator.
An Alternate Stop Request Form must be completed for an alternate stop to be considered. An alternate stop request would be any stop other than the one based on the student’s residence. This would include licensed daycares, and/or relatives address. Transportation for alternate stop locations will be provided within the student’s attending school boundary. Only those students eligible for transportation may request these transportation arrangements. Please note that transportation services will not be granted to locations such as public businesses (e.g., a parents’ workplace, non-CMS after school activities or student workplaces). The Transportation Services Request Form can be found on the CMS Bulletin Board.
Transportation will be provided to students remaining after school for instructionally related extended day programs and/or approved high and middle schools’ after school activities. Only students eligible for transportation will receive these services.
Address change request forms are located at your schools and can only be submitted to the schools' registrar. When submitting your change of address you will also need to resubmit your Alternate Stop Request using the transportation service request form if applicable.
Address Change Request Form