Apply for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch
Nutrition and learning are connected. CMS School Nutrition Service professionals are committed to providing our students with quality, nutritious and appealing meals in support of their academic success.
All students have been eating meals at no charge since March 2020. The "all students at no charge" provision was made possible by a temporary Covid-19 pandemic waiver by the federal government.
School Meal Programs across the country will return to normal (pre-pandemic) procedures for the 2022-2023 school year as the Covid-19 waivers expired on June 30, 2022. Here is what to expect:
All students will be served meals through the cafeteria line. Approved meal accountability procedures state that all students must pass through the cash register, enter their personal identification number (PIN) in the keypad or provide a barcoded card to be scanned. School Nutrition will provide the blue PIN card at the beginning of the school year with the PIN and barcode. CMS student ID badges with barcodes work and are recommended.
Breakfast will continue to be provided in all CMS schools at no charge.
Lunch prices for students will remain the same as they were in 2019-2020.
Students attending non-CEP schools will have to qualify for free or reduced priced lunch through an approved free or reduced priced meal benefit application or by direct certification (families receiving food stamps; students who are homeless or foster children). Applications will be available for families to complete online or on paper beginning August 1, 2022. Students not approved for free lunch will need to have cash or money on account to pay for lunch.
The breakfast and lunch menu can be viewed here The menu is subject to change due to product availability.
All meals are compliant with the Nutrition Standards for School Meals established by the USDA.
View the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools:Triennial Assessment Report 6/21/2021
Questions? Call 980.343.6041
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.View the complete USDA Non-Discrimination Statement