The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) Architectural/Engineering (A/E) Guideline exists as a companion document to the CMS Facility Programs and CMS Master Specifications. The A/E Guideline provides very detailed information that pertains to CMS’s design theory that would not otherwise be found in the Facility Programs or the CMS Master Specifications. Topics range from site design to building materials, design and construction, IT, mechanical, electrical and plumbing specific items.
The A/E Guideline has been developed to assist the design teams in the planning and design of functional, cost effective and durable educational facilities that are attractive and enhance the educational experience for their students. Designers are encouraged to develop a facility’s exterior in a straightforward manner by utilizing standard building materials and details with a minimum of ornamentation and special treatments. Highest priority should be placed on the development of the interior learning environments.
The A/E Guideline incorporates experiences and lessons learned from past building improvement projects and has been organized in accordance with Construction Specification Institute's (CSI) master format. The A/E Guideline is not intended to limit or control opportunities for innovative design but rather to assist the design teams in understanding certain planning requirements, design criteria, and concerns regarding reduction of energy consumption. Nevertheless, whenever the design of facilities varies from the requirements and considerations of the A/E Guideline, the Designer shall obtain prior approval in writing from CMS.
The A/E Guideline is a great benefit to design teams as well as CMS. The A/E Guideline simplifies the design and construction processes for each phase of project design and approval. The A/E Guideline will continue to evolve through CMS' experience and desire to improve projects. Comments and recommendations are invited for future revisions. Note that separate Facility Programs, A/E Guidelines and CMS Master Specifications will be issued for each Capital Improvement Project (CIP).