Responsibilities of the Board of Education
The nine-member Board of Education is the governing body of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, with five primary responsibilities:
Employ the superintendent
Establish policy
Determine annual operating and capital budgets
Approve student assignment boundaries
Oversee the management of the school district’s major systems, including budget and finance, curriculum and instruction, personnel and auxiliary services
The CMS Board of Education includes six district representatives and three at-large representatives. District and at-large representatives are elected every two years on a rotating schedule. All members serve four-year terms. For more information, visit the Board of Elections website.
Meeting Schedule
The Board of Education holds regular monthly meetings, open to the public, on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m, unless indicated otherwise. Meetings are held at the Government Center, 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202, unless indicated otherwise on the meeting schedule.
Public comments are scheduled for the first regular meeting of the month. Public Hearings may be be held as necessary at any meeting of the Board. Speakers must attend the meeting in person to be eligible to speak.
To be eligible to speak, speakers must register with the Board Clerk using one of the following methods:
By telephone, no later than 12:00 pm on the day of the meeting
By email no later than 12:00 pm on the day of the meeting
The time afforded to each speaker will be set prior to the meeting by the Board Chair based on the number of speakers and/or the length of the Board’s agenda.
Speakers must sign up for themselves
Speakers may address any topic of their choice, provided that personal or individual matters may not be discussed
Speakers are not permitted to read statements from another individual(s)
No personal or individual matters may be discussed.
No personal attacks on any individual are permitted.
No profane or similarly inappropriate language is permitted to be used.
Board of Education Meeting Dates for 2022
January 11 and 25
February 8 and 22
March 8 and 23
April 5 and 26
May 10 and 24
June 14 and 28
July 12
August 9 and 23
September 13 and 28
October 12 and 25
November 9
December 13
Professional Development
New Board of Education members participate in a CMS orientation program.
All Board members participate in various North Carolina School Board Association training and conferences. In addition, they may choose to attend training and educational conferences offered by Broad Foundation, National School Board Association, Council of the Great City Schools and other organizations.